Wholegrain bread Scalded wheat bread

A perfect bread loaf for people who keep a healthy lifestyle. It is made with wheat wholegrain flour, using live sourdough starter and naturally leavened dough. Thanks to adding flax seeds, our Wholegrain Bread contains Omega-3 fat acids. This bread is high in fiber and low in calories, making it a great addition to any balanced diet.

Nutritional and energy value
    • Fats
      3.98 g(г)
    • Saturated
      0.29 g(г)
    • Squirrels
      9.22 g(г)
    • Carbohydrates
      34.90 g(г)
    • Sugars
      2.04 g(г)
    • Salt
      1.19 g(г)
    • Caloric content
      212.00 kcal(ккал)
Storage conditions+6°C...+28°C
ТУ У 10.7-05415042-004:2021

Ingredients: whole wheat flour (80%), drinking water, wheat sourdough, oil flax seeds (5,6%), compressed baker’s yeast, dry baked wheat gluten, salt, sugar, sunflower oil.

  • Weight: 400 gr
Implementation period:  3 days

Culinary recipe

5 hours - preparation of the brew
12 hours - preparation of the starter
30 minutes - kneading the dough
40 minutes - fermentation
1 hour - molding
1 hour - proofing
40 minutes - baking