All kinds of bread and potato dishes have always been commonly found on Ukrainian table, that is why we created a kind of bread which combines our gastronomic traditions. Special rye-wheat Bread made with sourdough starter and seasoned with potato flakes. It has a pleasant rye taste, complemented with mild notes of caraway seeds.

Nutritional and energy value
    • Fats
      1.13 g(г)
    • Saturated
      0.26 g(г)
    • Squirrels
      7.18 g(г)
    • Carbohydrates
      47.06 g(г)
    • Sugars
      1.56 g(г)
    • Salt
      1.46 g(г)
    • Caloric content
      227.00 kcal(ккал)
Storage conditions< -18°C
ТУ У 10.7-32358874-001:2022

Ingredients: rye flour, first-grade wheat flour, rye leaven, yeast, salt, water, dehydrated potato flakes, caraway.

  • Weight: 500 gr
Implementation period:  180 days