Our Bread Loaf in Hearthstone is a real Ukrainian craft, improved version of a Milk Loaf. This Bread Loaf is baked in a hearthstone, that is why its crust is incredibly crispy, while the crumb keeps its fine-porous texture thanks to naturally leavened dough. A rich aroma and delicate milky taste complement the craft look of Bread Loaf in Hearthstone.

Nutritional and energy value
    • Fats
      1.50 g(г)
    • Saturated
      0.50 g(г)
    • Squirrels
      7.70 g(г)
    • Carbohydrates
      55.00 g(г)
    • Sugars
      6.70 g(г)
    • Salt
      1.10 g(г)
    • Caloric content
      263.00 kcal(ккал)
Storage conditions< -18°C
ТУ У 10.7-32358874-003:2022

Ingredients: highest-grade wheat flour, sugar, powdered milk, dry whey, margarine, yeast, salt, water.

  • Weight: 400 gr
Implementation period:  180 days