Due to the combination of sourdough, scalded flour and real kvass of our own production, Borodyansky Bread has a dense, porous and slightly moist crumb and a reach, sweet rye taste. Spicy notes of coriander seeds not only highlight the taste, but also nicely enhance the special flavor of bread.

Nutritional and energy value
    • Fats
      1.90 g(г)
    • Saturated
      0.20 g(г)
    • Squirrels
      6.40 g(г)
    • Carbohydrates
      47.00 g(г)
    • Sugars
      5.60 g(г)
    • Salt
      0.68 g(г)
    • Caloric content
      232.00 kcal(ккал)
Storage conditions+4°C...+28°C
ДСТУ 4583

Ingredients: whole-grain rye flour, second-grade wheat flour, sugar, rye malt, golden syrup, rye leaven, yeast, salt, sunflower oil, water, coriander.

  • Weight: 500 gr
Implementation period:  7 days