Traditional Bread

One of the most popular and favourite rye-wheat breads in Ukraine. We make it with rye sourdough starter and rye scalded flour which help reveal the special flavor of three flours blend. Rye malt completes the recipe due to which this bread has sour-sweet taste familiar from childhood.
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True Ukrainian Wheat bread – Palianytsia. This bread contains nothing extra except for wheat sourdough starter and traditional ingredients, such as wheat flour, water, yeast and a pinch of salt. Using live sourdough starter allows to reveal all the useful properties of wheat bread and its ordinary but yet delicious taste. Sourdough starter naturally enhances the flavor of freshly baked loaves and helps make the crust crispy and golden.
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Conventional wheat bread shaped as a brick. This is an authentic Ukrainian wheat bread made with top-quality first-grade flour according to traditional formula. This bread contains nothing extra except for wheat sourdough starter and traditional ingredients. Due to baking in bread loaf pans, this kind of Wheat Bread has a thin golden crust and a delicate, porous crumb.
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Our brand bread and one of your beloved rye-wheat breads. We combined 2nd-grade wheat flour with rye peeled flour in its recipe. Not only it is tasty in a special way, but very useful as well. Using live rye sourdough starter allows to reveal all the useful properties of the flour blend. It naturally enhances the rye-wheat aroma and makes the bread crumb airy light. Thanks to baking in a bread loaf pan, the bread crust is thin and deeply colored. It is a true Rumjanyok BreadBread from TM Rumianets.
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Our brand bread and one of your beloved rye-wheat breads. We combined 2nd-grade wheat flour with rye peeled flour in its recipe. Not only it is tasty in a special way, but very useful as well. Using live rye sourdough starter allows to reveal all the useful properties of the flour blend. It naturally enhances the rye-wheat aroma and makes the bread crumb airy light. Thanks to baking in a bread loaf pan, the bread crust is thin and deeply colored. It is a true Rumiany Bread from TM Rumianets.
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