Rumjany BreadRye-wheat bread
Our brand bread and one of your beloved rye-wheat breads. We combined 2nd-grade wheat flour with rye peeled flour in its recipe. Not only it is tasty in a special way, but very useful as well. Using live rye sourdough starter allows to reveal all the useful properties of the flour blend. It naturally enhances the rye-wheat aroma and makes the bread crumb airy light. Thanks to baking in a bread loaf pan, the bread crust is thin and deeply colored. It is a true Rumiany Bread from TM Rumianets.
Nutritional and energy value
Caloric content
ДСТУ 4583
Ingredients: rye flour, highest-grade and second-grade wheat flour, starch syrup, yeast, salt, water.
- Weight: 600 gr
Implementation period:
3 days