The sweet aroma of summer covers this donut, making it a true masterpiece in the art of combining flavors. The fluffy strawberry poppy seed filling dances on your palate, revealing its unique sweetness.

But that's not all! The donut is decorated with sugar biscuits, which gives it an unsurpassed texture and grace. Each slippery layer of biscuits melts on your tongue, creating a harmonious duet with the strawberry filling.

Nutritional and energy value
    • Fats
      23.00 g(г)
    • Saturated
      11.00 g(г)
    • Squirrels
      5.90 g(г)
    • Carbohydrates
      59.00 g(г)
    • Sugars
      26.00 g(г)
    • Salt
      1.00 g(г)
    • Caloric content
      464.00 kcal(ккал)
Storage conditions< -18°C
ТУ У 10.7-32358874-006:2022

Ingredients: highest-grade wheat flour, mix for doughnuts (15%), strawberry -flavored filling (20%), yeast, sugar, margarine, eggs, water, sugar powder.

Filling: strawberry -flavored

  • Weight: 65 gr
Implementation period:  180 days